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    Street light control

      The power line carrier communication technology using the existing power line of street lamp as the communication medium is especially suitable for street lamp control projects.


      The street lamp concentrator is installed at the box transformer position, and the lamp controller and the street lamp are installed together. The street lamp concentrator and the lamp controller communicate through the power carrier to control each street lamp. The lamp controller also has the active reporting function to report the abnormal information of the lamp to the street lamp concentrator.


      For the system that only needs street lamp control function, because the communication data message is very short, the narrowband low-speed power carrier module should be selected for cost performance. The narrowband low-speed power carrier concentrator module is installed in the street lamp concentrator, and the narrowband low-speed power carrier node module is installed in the lamp controller. According to the power line and load characteristics of street lamps, 187khz / 240khz carrier frequency point and carrier rate of 2.2kbps are recommended.


      For the system that needs operation data and load curve data analysis in addition to the street lamp control function, the amount of communication data is large, and the broadband power carrier module should be selected. The broadband power carrier concentrator module is installed in the street lamp concentrator, and the broadband power carrier node module is installed in the lamp controller. The frequency band can be 0.7mhz ~ 12Mhz, and the carrier rate is 100kbps ~ 12mbps.


