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    Smart grid collection

    The piezoelectric power carrier automatic meter reading system makes full use of the ready-made low-voltage power line as the communication medium, without rewiring, and adopts the power line carrier communication technology to realize the automatic meter reading and power management of the electric meter.

    Low-voltage power line carrier communication modules used for meter reading include narrowband low-speed, narrow-band high-speed, and broadband carrier modules. All three modules have been applied in large quantities in domestic and overseas markets to adapt to various harsh grid environments. Customers can choose different carrier modules according to their own needs.

    The main features of the narrowband low-speed carrier module: frequency 100kHz~700kHz, arbitrarily adjustable; dual frequency point transceiver; carrier rate 2.2kbps.

    The main features of the narrowband high-speed carrier module: in line with G3 certification; CENELEC A-band and FCC band; carrier rate 5.5kbps (CENELEC A-band), 33kbps (FCC band).

    Main features of broadband carrier module: Comply with IEEE1901.1 and China National Grid Standard "Low-voltage power line broadband carrier communication technical specifications; frequency band 0.7MHz~12MHz; carrier rate 100kbps~12Mbps, usually 300kbps.


